Saturday, May 31, 2008

Imginary wheels turning

Got up today, decided that I sick and tired of being sick and tired and went for a walk. Talk about HARD CORE. The fam and I loaded up the old' stroller of disaster and went to the YMCA were I proceeded to unload a weeks worth of pent up angst on an indoor track about 40 times. What can I say, I'm bad ass! All I can tell my bikes is watch out, I'm coming and I'm coming with a vengeance.

After the walk, we hit the pool.

Friday, May 30, 2008

0 for 2.......

0 for 2. That's a percentage of zero. I had a two goals for this week, both have been hideously wrecked by the midget in my stomach gnawing on my intestines. The first goal was simple enough, ride my bike, think my thoughts, record my thoughts, write, repeat. That's pretty hard to do when you only ride for thirty minutes in a week and spend more time on the porcelain god than a bike seat. The second goal was a bit more hopeful. Commute via bike every day this week. Again, unless they develop a bike with a built in port-a-potty my commute ain't gonna get very far stopping every couple of minutes or so. So I'm 0 for 2.

Link of the day.

My good friend czechfest dropped some comments last time about cycling giving you sore bum, pro-cyclist being on some kind of roid-rage bender, and racing and that's exactly the point of the discussion. When people see bikes to many times they see looong rides, doping pros, etc. Bikes can be these but they can be so much more. Bikes can be a ride to the grocery, a beer-run, a trip to the neighbors, a method to the coffee shop. Bikes can be anything you desire them to be. The spirit of the living is in the wheels.

Friday, May 23, 2008

And the spirt of the living was in the wheels

"And the spirt of the the living was in the wheels......"

So why another blog......because bikes can save the world, even in Cypress, TX. How might you ask, that's a great question:

Cycling is sport: Right now the Giro de Italia is going on somewhere where they will climb more altitude in a day on a bike than most of us will in our lifetime. It's sport alright.

Cycling is medicine: Get stressed, go for a ride in the woods. You'll feel better. Get fat. Ride more. Get Skinny (maybe, but at least you're doing something fun with your time)

Cycling is transportation: 5.00 gas anyone?

Cycling is romance: My parents ride most Saturday mornings and get breakfast during their rides. They don't golf together, they don't kayak together, the don't even play cards well together, but they bike together.

Cycling is whatever you want it to be. Ezekiel 1:21 states that the spirit of the living is in the wheels. Am I using this out of context, probably, but I still think it's true.

Ride your bike.