Friday, September 16, 2011

John Wayne would agree,

Especially since we’re talking country music, fires, and horses but unfortunately he’s not here so I’m left to my own devices. I think Mr. Wayne might have appreciated this talent:

But maybe not. Maybe he’d be more into bubble gum pop country or top 40 but who’s to say? One thing we’d both agree on is be nice to horses…..and people for that matter.

As I was out on the two wheeled motor-less machine yesterday I passed by two young ladies riding some trails on trigger and Mr. Ed. Honestly I’m not a huge fan of horses on the trails I like to ride. They poop, loosen up the trails for other users, they poop, and widen the tight stuff. But, they are allowed on these trails and so am I. So I have a choice. I can be a total d*#k about it and blaze by them with angst and anger in my heart and turn them off to mountain bikers or I can yield the trail, get off my bike and ask them what would be easier for them. What side of the trail do they need me on and so forth? I went with option 2 and what occurred was magical. We struck up a conversation. She appreciated my willingness to give and maybe was able to enjoy her day a bit more and so was I. Wave, say hi, and give mercy and all that other hippie-dippity crap because it’s going to make you a better person even if your heart rate dips out of the red zone a bit. You don’t have to agree but if it’s a fight you want take it up the appropriate folks. It’s not the horse’s fault their allowed on “your” trail so don’t take it out on them or their riders. So unless you’re the company who seems to enjoy killing horses let it be.

Speaking of companies that enjoy killing wild horses I highly recommend the documentary “If a Tree Falls.” Good stuff with an environmental twist.

It’s a bit controversial from all points of view and entertaining as well. I wouldn’t watch it tonight thought unless you want to fun©k up your weekend. Save it till Sunday to get you all worked up for the week ahead.

Just remember what John said (I think), “Life is hard; it’s harder if you’re stupid.”

Peace like a river……..

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