Saturday, September 10, 2011

Guess Who's back

I think it was the great poet James Todd Smith who penned the classic line, “don’t call it a come back, I’ve been back for years.” So as I try and stay true to words of those who influence me, let me say sorry to the two of you who followed zeke and have been anxiously awaiting the words and thoughts of a man who doesn’t have many. Also, let me welcome those who have randomly found this corner of the intra web while on a search for God only knows what else. Thanks.

Why resurrect what is probably better off dead; several reasons which I’ll address in due time. However, I’d like to intro our first sponsor, David’s Cycles! (Truth be told there not really so much sponsoring the site as much as they are giving me great deals for pedaling around with their name on my shirt….. just a minor technicality) Honestly though this is one of the hidden gems of the northwest Houston cycling scene. Honest, hard working people are hard to come by but they can be found by the dozen (even though there are only four employees) at Dave’s. Their inventory is small but if they don’t have it they will get it.

The resurrection, why? Two reasons:

I. Sometimes I like to ride my bike for cash and prizes. Last weekend was one of those times and I don’t know if I ever have had a better weekend of riding. My flesh and blood decided that she was going to throw a leg over her pink bike and take her 5 years of experience and throw down on the race course. Awesome!

Camp Eagle just north of Kerrville provided the host duties, opened up the river front full of water slides and the like and provided some great places to turn a pedal of two. Real Ale provided the “recovery” beverages and I think a good time was had by all. The thing that got me however was the opportunity to do nothing. Just sit. Read. Meditate. Relax. Some friends and I were talking the other day about the Celtic people and their notion of a thin place, a place where one connects with god or God, whatever your preference and I fully believe that this weekend was a thin place for me at the right time. Maybe the good times are meant to share.


II. The ride today. What started out as a little excursion ended up a full on experience. Flat tires, almost hit dogs, wrong sized tubes, smoke from the horrible flames north of here, a bit of everything. But it was life: Highs, lows and everything in between. If it’s worth doing it’s worth living and if it’s worth living it’s worth writing about. So here goes. Another try……

Just don’t call it a comeback.

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